Welcome back to the Daily Spin, the series in which I review 365 albums during 2023.
Each album will be given a rating on a scale from 0 to 10. You can look at the entire set here. Additionally, you can check out a list of my favorite song from each album right here.
If you want to suggest an album, good news! You can do so right here!
This is my second review for Flume. The first can be found here.
Album: Finch In The Pantry (2019)
Artist: The Arcadian Wild
What I love about Finch In The Pantry is that it’s classic Americana, distilled into the plucky sort of folksy harmony that might accompany a very cheesy scene in a movie - and while that doesn’t always resonate with me, I find myself coming back to it on occasion.
The Arcadian Wild take these themes and apply a carefree sort of attitude, evident in the lyricism, about not taking things too seriously and letting the water run off the proverbial duck’s back - despite a more somber approach to the instrumentation, it’s that attitude that carries a lot of the album.
Some of the songs get a little too close to a rollicking fashion that doesn’t really do a whole lot for me - though it’s definitely got its appeal, it’s a jarring disconnect from the remainder of the album and as such feels like a tonal disconnect. On the whole, though, this album makes me happy and serves as a nice reminder to not let things get to my head. I can’t be mad about that.
Rating: 7.3/10
Best Tracks: Oh, Sleeper; Silence, A Stranger
Worst Tracks: The Food Truck Blues